Saturday, April 19, 2008

Hello everyone, I'm new to this blogger thing, and I've been told that this is a great place to talk to other "crazies", like me.
I've been running for 4 1/2 years, but started trail running in January 2007. I've been stuck there ever since. I also just started ultra running last year as well. Trails and ultras seem to go together.
It all started at the Black Mountain Marathon/Mount Mitchell Challenge in February 2007. Two Friends and I trained for the marathon for a few months, and at the prerace meeting, we were told (by another runner -innocently enough) that we were doing the short race. The challenge was on.
So we found a 50K in June , and completed it, with the first 5 hours in the rain. In South Carolina, in June, rain wasn't so bad. Until the rain stopped, and the sun came out, in the afternoon. It was miserable. But I survived.
Wouldn't you know it? I went for an easy run a couple weeks later on the road, and twisted my ankle on a rock. I didn't go to the doctor, when I should have. I'm so bad about that. It turned out I broke it.
I decided to do a 50 miler, and the closest one to home was Mountain Masochist in Lynchburg, VA. The training was on. It was miserable training at the end of summer. We had a massive heat wave that put temps up to 105-107, with heat index up to 118. It was just so hot!! It's not like I was training for Badwater.
I did well at the race, except for one thing. I didn't finish. I had a good strategy, which was to just make it the next aid station. And then the next one. I did that great. Until AS 15, when I was 2 minutes behind the cut off time, and was pulled from the race, with only 8 miles to go. I haven't felt such disappointment in a very long time. I made it 46 miles, but was not allowed to finish. My first DNF, and I struggled with it. I will be back next year.
Now, I'm battling another injury. On Feb 9th, I was on my last long training run in the mountains, when I tripped on a rock, and pulled my proximal hamstring. I tried to do the race the next week in a lot of pain. The whole time on the course, I thought to myself, "Why am I doing this? I can only imagine what the doctor will find when I see him this week." So I decided to pull myself at the half way point. That was very difficult for me. I was OK with it on the trail, but when I actually told them, I broke. My second DNF.
The doctor sent me to physical therapy. I've been very good about that, and went for about 5 weeks. I tried running in the meantime, but struggled with pain each time. So I quit running, and cross trained instead. I just started running last week. I'm up to 5 miles at a time, now. I'm keeping in mind my goal for this year: MMTR. I own that mountain!!!


Gotta Run..... said...

Yeah you are BLOGGING!!!!

Yes we will own that Mountain this year. Do or Die! No Guts No Glory!!!

I can walk you through a few things that you can add to your main page. Other than that just bog away and I will be reading.

Swim, Bike and Run said...


You rock! You own that mountain I know you will conquer it!


G-Man said...


I was just messing around on line and found your blog (I live in Greenville, too - actually, Simpsonville). I've been an endurance athlete for many years and it still pumps me up when I read something written by someone who apprently loves to challenge themselves. It makes it that much easier to remember why I do this stuff.

Anyway, good luck with your running goals. Hopefully, you can get your injuries under control. A couple of suggestions...if you don't already do it, you should add one or two 'weightlifting/stretching' sessions to your weak. Especially since you run mostly off-road and you put your joints through a lot more jarring. You might also try a good bit of cross-training. When I ran the Boston Marathon a couple of years ago, I was running about half the miles that most people my speed were running - but by riding and swimming, I managed to stay injury free and still be just as fast. I'm sure you already do this, but make sure you have some intermediate goals along the way to your big goals. If you put all your eggs in one basket you risk feeling defeated if things don't go right. I try to do a lot of races, that way the law of averages says that I might have a disappointment...but there's also a good chance I will have one to brag about.

Sorry about the rambling. Keep up the good work and resist the temptation to push through an injury.


Clarissa said...

You are incredible! I find it challenging to walk across the bank in high heels... or walking those dogs of mine!
Love you.

Cheri said...

I ran 14 miles this week. I'm happy about that, but it is all road. I can't wait to get to some trails. I might try that this week.
I seem to be so slow, though. I'm not normally fast. I average 9:30 pace. I'm totally OK with that. I don't need to be fast. I just need to be efficient. But since I started back to running, I can't average any better than a 10:15 pace. I feel like I'm doing speed work or a tempo run. My breathing is really labored. It would be hard to carry on a conversation. It's driving me crazy!!. I will owe some of that to a cold, and high pollen. But UGH!!! I don't want to be that slow.
I'm doing a lot of strength training and ab work. My legs just don't want that faster turn over.
I'll see how this week goes. My goal is to get 20 miles, and maybe some easy trails.
Wish me luck.