Thursday, January 15, 2009


I just started training for Umstead on Jan 5. I know it's 65 weeks away, but I can't start training too early. I just keep thinking about the training and dedication it will take to accomplish such a task. But I feel really good so far, and am excited to train.
It's been cold, so I had to go the gym a couple times. It's been a battle for the machines, since all the new years resolutionists are coming in. I have to be there at opening to get a good machine. But that's OK; I just get more time.
I've been running with my dog, Stephanie (my son named her. She's really his dog.), who is a 1 year old lab. The pound said she's a mix, but I don't see it. Everything about her says lab. I'll have to get a picture of her. She's such a sweetheart. Yesterday we went for a run early in the morning, lighted by a piece of moon. It was great.
This Saturday's run will be quite chilly. It will only be about 11 degrees. I have to go 10 miles. I'll have to dress warm.
Happy trails,


Marcy said...

It's never too early, right? ;-)

Gotta Run..... said...

Love the changes and all of the added pictures!!! Very nice.

100 here you come.

Off to get some coffee and my cycle gear together. Hope the trails were wonderful.

Runner Mom said...

This looks great! You go, girl!

Only 65 weeks--one can never start too soon, huh???

You are too funny! Enjoy your day!