Thursday, May 15, 2008

What a week!!

This has been a busy exercise week for me. I didn't sub at the preschool, so I actually had time to run. Two weeks ago, I ran 24 miles, and cycled 21. Last week I cycled 30 miles, but only ran 9. What's up with that? This week is much better. I did weights 2 times, and ran 4 days in a row. I already have over 22 miles, and still have a long run on Saturday. I'm hitting the trails, and I'm so excited. I miss running on the trails with my girlfriends.
We've had some heart to heart, funny, confessing, and even simple conversations while hitting the trails. That's a big thing for me. I love those conversations. It's great to have someone to talk to when you're running for 5 hours. That would be really lonely.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Still think about a 100 miler.


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